Bitcrush Arcade is a play-to-earn Defi gaming platform that doesn’t consist of a single game, but a collection of arcade games among which users can choose based on their preferences. Are you interested in arcade games? Do you think Bitcrush Arcade will attract a large number of users?

The Binance-based game is like “an online decentralized casino”.

That offers a collection of arcade games, which players can choose.

Bitcrush Arcade is the first hybrid Defi gaming platform.

Users can stake and earn the native tokens, CRUSH and NICE while playing in “Invaderverse”.

MAD N.I.C.E INVADERS is one of the main Bitcrush Arcade .

In which players must conquer other planets.

Bitcrush Arcade hasn’t officially launched yet, while on the official website is stated as “Coming Soon”.

There will be a token pre-sale that people should get whitelisted .

Stay tuned for more news on this fascinating Defi gaming platform and P2E Metaverse.

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