Bitcoin Mining

What Happens When 21 Million Bitcoins Are Mined? Can You Mine Bitcoin in Dubai?

Bitcoin, the world’s first and most popular cryptocurrency, has a limited supply of 21 million coins. The controlled supply mechanism ensures a fixed number of new coins are minted each year. This article examines the implications of reaching the 21 million Bitcoin milestone and explores the mining landscape in Dubai. But before we proceed, let’s explore Bitcoin mining.

What is Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin mining is the process through which new Bitcoins are introduced into circulation to confirm and validate transactions on the network. Mining involves utilizing advanced hardware to solve complex mathematical problems. In the process, the first computer to solve the problem is rewarded with the next block of Bitcoins, which begins the process all over again.

By engaging in the mining process, individuals worldwide contribute to the legitimacy and security of the Bitcoin network. 

How Many Bitcoins Are Mined Already?

The total number of Bitcoins that can ever exist is fixed at 21 million. As of June 2023, over 19,413,893 Bitcoins have already been mined, leaving approximately 1,586,107 Bitcoins yet to be discovered. 

It is important to note that the actual number of Bitcoins in circulation is currently lower than the total supply. Individuals lose access to their private keys, causing Bitcoins to be permanently inaccessible, resulting in this discrepancy. Estimates suggest that around 4 million Bitcoins have been lost, resulting in a circulating supply of approximately 17.4 million.

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How Long Does It Take to Mine One Bitcoin?

Depending on the hardware and software setup, mining one Bitcoin can take as little as 10 minutes or as long as 30 days.

The time required also depends on the hash rate. The hash rate of a blockchain network is a measure of its computational power. It depends on how many guesses are made per second. 

However, with potentially tens of thousands of miners in operation, the likelihood of an individual miner single-handedly discovering a block is quite low. To improve their chances, most miners join mining pools, where they combine their computational power, or hash rate, to collectively increase their likelihood of discovering a block. The rewards for a successfully mined block are distributed evenly among the pool members based on their contributions.

To estimate the time required for another mining rig to generate 1 Bitcoin in rewards, one can use the formula: 1 / (hash rate in PH/s) * 0.0066. This calculation provides the days to generate 1 BTC at the current difficulty levels.

Also, read about “Why Is Bitcoin So Expensive?

The Mining Requirements 

To engage in Bitcoin mining, certain requirements must be met. Here’s a breakdown of what is needed to initiate the mining process:

Setting up Hardware Resources: Miners need to invest in powerful computer resources specifically designed for mining. This includes graphics processing units (GPUs) with advanced graphic cards, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), or application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). ASIC-based hardware is currently the most efficient and capable of generating high hash rates, but it can be expensive, costing thousands of dollars.

Installing Mining Software: Miners need to install mining software such as CGminer, XMR miner, or multi-miner, often available as free downloads and compatible with Windows and Mac computers. The mining software connects to the hardware, enabling the mining process to begin. 

 E-Wallets:  Miners require an e-wallet, a digital storage solution for storing, transferring, and receiving Bitcoins as rewards.

But what will happen when the last Bitcoin is mined?

What Happens When the Last Bitcoin is Mined?

Once the maximum supply of Bitcoins is reached, slightly below 21 million, no new Bitcoins will be issued. However, the Bitcoin network will continue functioning, and transactions will still be processed.

After the final Bitcoin is mined, Bitcoin miners will no longer receive block rewards. Instead, their earnings will likely come solely from transaction processing fees. The impact on miners will depend on the evolution of Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency.

If the Bitcoin blockchain continues to handle a significant number of transactions in 2140, miners may still be able to generate profits by charging transaction fees. The implications of reaching the maximum supply of Bitcoins will depend on the adoption and usage patterns of Bitcoin in the future.

Can You Mine Bitcoin in Dubai? 

It is possible to mine and buy and sell Bitcoin in Dubai, as cryptocurrency mining and trading are legal in Dubai. 

Crypto mining activities in Dubai began in 2017, and since then, the number of miners operating within the country has experienced significant growth. The favorable regulatory environment in the UAE makes it relatively easy for businesses to establish crypto mining operations compared to other nations. Initiatives like the Dubai Blockchain Strategy 2020 aim to position Dubai as a global leader in blockchain innovation.


The mining of Bitcoin plays a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. In the event that the last Bitcoin is mined, miners will no longer receive block rewards, and their earnings will be based on transaction processing fees. The profitability of mining will depend on the evolving nature of Bitcoin, whether it continues to be a widely used currency or primarily serves as a store of value.

As for mining Bitcoin in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers a favorable environment for miners. Cryptocurrency mining is legal in the UAE, and the government has implemented regulations and policies to control virtual currencies. 

Overall, while the completion of Bitcoin mining may bring changes to the mining landscape, the continued growth of the blockchain industry indicates that cryptocurrency trading and mining will continue to thrive, including the ability to buy Bitcoin in places like Dubai.

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