The most popular game on the Binance blockchain, Mobobox has caused quite a stir among fans of Play-to-Eran games. Mobobox, a cross-platform game, is managed by its community and its native token is called Mobox.

Mobox is a community-driven cross-platform game that hosts many games, It has recently offered a collection of 3D avatars to boost its collection of players and Momo characters.

The game combines both DeFi and NFT to create a virtual ecosystem where you can play to earn money.

While its fame is mostly due to Mobox NFT Farmer.

Block Brawler, MoLand Defense, and Token Master are other Mobox cherished games.

Mobox has also had one of the most active NFT markets, outpointing Axie Infinity, lately.

The Binance-based game plans to run its own blockchain, expected for Q4, 2022.

Participating in games will reward you with tokens or MBOXes whenever you get into the top ranking.

The Mystery BOX or MBOX contains NFTs, called MOMO that you can sell on the market.

MBOX price stands at $0.5 at the time of writing .

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