How many Ethereum traders do we have here? The cryptocurrency enjoys a multi-hundred million and even billion-dollar market cap, and you defiantly researched it already, if not invested lots in it already. But if you’re looking for a professional ETH wallet, what are your top choices? Take a look at our list, and feel free to comment about them.

Second in terms of market cap and everywhere in terms of blockchain technology.

Ethereum is one of the most important, if not the most important, names in the crypto game.

But, if you’re looking for a specialized ETH wallet, you may find our list useful.

#3 Argent

You can’t store the private key in this non-custodial ETH wallet.

It is integrated with, so you can lend Ethereum and accumulate interest.

#2 MyEtherWallet

The name is enough to know this web wallet that allows you to control Ethereum private keys.

You can connect it to Trezor and Ledger Nano S and have a built-in BTC to ETH swap facility.

#1 MetaMask

All lists of ETH wallets should start with MetaMask, which is a browser extension and a mobile app.

It is the most widely used ETH wallet and allows you to access decentralized Ethereum apps as well.

Dubai has emerged as a leading destination for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, and if you’re looking to buy Ethereum in dubai, CryptoDesk can be your go-to platform.

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