There won’t be an answer to the question of whether crypto caused a good deal in Ukraine after the Russian invasion. the main fact is that crypto could be a breakthrough from an economic standpoint. And now the Ukrainian vice prime minister once again asks people to help the country, singing a rap song ‘Invest in Peace, Bro’.

When a crisis happens there is no good There is only a matter of the best course of action regarding the situation So, there won’t be an easy answer to the question of whether crypto caused a good deal in Ukraine after the Russian invasion .

But the main fact here is that the use of crypto could be a breakthrough from an economic standpoint for the invaded country.

It was February this year when Ukrainian officials called for donations in cryptocurrency, sharing crypto-wallet addresses.

And now the Ukrainian vice prime minister once again asks people to help the country, singing a rap song ‘Invest in Peace, Bro’.

Since February about $100M has been contributed to three Ukraine crypto wallets .

Another way that blockchain and technology have opened up for Ukrainians comes from the heart of a startup.

The American and Austrian start-up Morpher allows investors to bet against Russian stocks, without benefiting them .

Users deposit USD Coin into the platform and, in return, own a part of the total staking pool.

All the profits of Morpher Arena will also be donated to organizations supporting Ukrainian refugees.


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